The Kingdom of Ballidor and its surrounding realms is the latest in the regional maps of Loren. I am still working on the finer details of the countryside, like the many new rivers which have been cut across the land since the first incarnation of the original map in 2003/2004. There are new kingdoms which have been added to this land and other land features as well- so in the words of Aldwedorn The Wise, May your journey be pleasant, your steed swift, and may the people and places you encounter along the way be as memorable as the ones you left behind. Enjoy your jaunt through the world of imagination; oh, and there is an updated map in the post below of the land of Gryphondale. Be sure to visit that realm again as well, I’m sure the people there would love to see you swing through, maybe even drive out a host of Goblins trying to set up in Arun’s Caverns. I’ll take you on brief tour of Ballidor and the surrounding realms in a later post so if you have any questions about the realms displayed, you can ask me here, on Google+, or on my W. R. Frady Facebook page, and I’ll try to answer as best I can. Thank you for stopping by, and I’ll talk to you again soon.