“Upon walking into the ancient woodland, I found myself beset by images most queer to that which would be found amid the other forests of Loren. The trees, however crystalline, were still consistent with the wood-like traits of their more common brethren, yet shone like glass in the light of the mid-day sun. Even the leaves, grasses, and weeds of the area bore the same jewel-like appearance, with only the stray rocks from the surrounding mountains which had migrated into the borders of this majestic woodland differing in their stony appearance. “ - Erilius Evandwyr- Sage of the Master Library, Cloud City of Myralon.
Welcome friends to Caer Lynd©, home of Aldwedorn, The Wise Oak©. Beneath the boughs of this ancient tree, you can listen to the epic tales of days long past, stories of knights and wizards, and fairy tales hailing from the far away land of Ballidor©.
Jun 9, 2017
The Living Glass Forest ©
“Upon walking into the ancient woodland, I found myself beset by images most queer to that which would be found amid the other forests of Loren. The trees, however crystalline, were still consistent with the wood-like traits of their more common brethren, yet shone like glass in the light of the mid-day sun. Even the leaves, grasses, and weeds of the area bore the same jewel-like appearance, with only the stray rocks from the surrounding mountains which had migrated into the borders of this majestic woodland differing in their stony appearance. “ - Erilius Evandwyr- Sage of the Master Library, Cloud City of Myralon.
The Primordial Era and the Furnace of Aürynn©
Long, long ago, in an age before the ages there was only a great darkness that can only be described as The Void. Empyrea, The Sea of Endless Night had not been formed and all was empty save for a single source of light, which flickered like a candle against the vast nothingness. Thus the great furnace Aürynn strove against The Void, hoping to fill its vast emptiness with light and warmth. Her vast form stretched out for distances immeasurable in a thousand lifetimes, and the living celestial flames that welled from within her galactic core surrounded her with a brilliant spectrum of nebulous wonder. Aürynn’s magnificence surpassed all beauty, yet to what, if anything, could she be compared for there was naught but her and The Void. This time was known to sages of Myralon as the Primordial Era, and for countless epochs it was so.
One eon, something stirred within The Void. It had become aware of the furnace and after eons of existence The Void found that his emptiness was merely that, empty. The Void and the sentience which dwelled within found desire as it sought to be touched by the light and filled with the warmth of the Furnace of Aürynn. Aürynn felt the desire of The Void and saw that her age old hopes might be fulfilled. Thus The Void left the realm known only as the Ebon Maelstrom and began to court the majestic Furnace of Aürynn, personifying himself as a being known only in the most ancient of Legends as Uürläk. The two celestial entities found themselves in an unlikely partnership as they sought to fulfill one another’s desires. Fate, however, would play a bitter joke on the attempt of such a bond, and so as Uürläk and Aürynn sought to carry out their unification, it became all too clear that certain things were never meant to be as darkness and light could not exist in the same place at the same time, nor could the cold emptiness of The Void and the living fire found within the celestial core of Aürynn’s nebulous heart. Upon their joining, the unquenchable chill of the emptiness of Uürläk’s existence pierced the galactic core of Aürynn’s being, poisoning her. At that moment, in this time before time itself, the Furnace of Aürynn knew that something was amiss, for she could feel her life-force beginning to fade. The deathly cold of The Void’s touch had compromised her essence and without knowing it or meaning to hurt his beloved, Uürläk had set into motion, the events that would change the course of existence, forever more.
Even as Aürynn’s life-force began to ebb, she could feel within her core the stirring of two great beings, the offspring which had resulted from her and Uürläk’s joining. So it came to pass that the entities within Aürynn grew in size and strength, and her own essence continued to fade. Eras and Epochs passed, as the twin entities formed within the Furnace of Aürynn. Though she knew that she was dying, Aürynn loved her children, and strove to see that they would carry on in her absence. Uürläk, on the other hand, was distressed over the harm he had brought to his beloved Aürynn and as he watched her once brilliant light start to fade, he departed from her and returned to Ebon Maelstrom from whence he came, only to become empty and lifeless once more.
Finally after countless eons, the Epoch came which Aürynn knew would be her last. She had long prepared for that fateful moment when her twins would emerge from her being all but draining her life-force completely, and at last that time had come. With a series of nova-like bursts, she wrought into being two great entities, twins, whom she named Ano and Äuros. They were the epitome of the celestial bond between Aürynn and Uürläk beings of Light and Void, Life and Lifelessness, Creation and Destruction.
Upon gaining consciousness, Ano and Äuros immediately became aware of their mother’s distress. For the first and only time in existence, the brothers came together with a common purpose, to give the Furnace of Aürynn the strength to live on. Ano took a part of himself and made the tools of creation as he was endowed with more of his mother’s life giving essence than his twin. Äuros, on the other hand, had more of his father’s emptiness with just enough of his mother to make him feel. He produced similar tools to that of Ano, yet with a profound difference, they were warped like weapons and infected with the cold unquenchable emptiness found within the heart of the Void. Together the brothers fought valiantly to save the celestial matron which gave them life. As they worked, hammering, sculpting, tempering, at the dying furnace, sparks of her essence flew out into The Void, scattering to the deepest and most remote corners of the vast emptiness that was known only as The Void. Thus The Void was no longer truly void as it was slowly becoming home to the tiny pinpricks of light that would become the Primordial stars, the first galaxies and celestial bodies in existence.
From the depths of the Ebon Maelstrom, what minute resonance remained of Uürläk’s sentience witnessed these things and found them to be tidings of joy. However he knew that his beloved’s sparks were merely transient things away from Aürynn’s nebulous form, so with one final act of love for his Aürynn, he established the cosmic plane, an infinite realm which was once The Void, and gave the Primordial Stars along with all other celestial bodies born of Aürynn’s form an eternal residence whence they could exist, grow, and live. In his beloved’s honor and with his last command, he dubbed the cosmic plane as the realm of Empyrea, The Sea of Endless Night. Thus Uürläk faded and was no more. The twins felt the change come over The Void and knew that they alone now had dominion over the infinite reaches of Empyrea. Ano, still believing that he and Äuros could revive their mother, turned his full attention to restoring her grand majesty, completely unaware that Äuros had begun to grow cold- the emptiness of The Void which had infected and was responsible for the grave condition of Aürynn- had begun to stagnate within the depths of Äuros’ being poisoning him with its venomous essence. What began as a being capable of caring and creation was rapidly devolving into the first primordial evil who would forever be his brother’s arch-rival; the personification of destruction itself. Anger, loathing, and utter hatred seethed from Äuros poisoning every strike he set to Aürynn’s form, further infecting her with the venom of The Void.
Ano in his valiant effort to save their mother noticed that despite his efforts, Aürynn’s life-force was depleting before his very eyes. Then he saw the black fires of Äuros’ tools, which ebbed at her as a black hole ebbs at a nearby star, and the maniacal look of glee upon his brother’s face as he dealt deadly blow after deadly blow to the Furnace of Aürynn’s celestial form. Immediately he tried to get Äuros to stop, but his brother was so infused with the venom which had encompassed the core of his being, that he just looked at Ano and smiled with wicked glee as he struck another venomous blow to their mother.
Ano could not just sit back and watch as his brother worked to kill their mother, and sought to intercede. He grabbed the descending arm, bringing Äuros’ hammer fall to a halt just above the crystalline surface of Aürynn’s nebulous core. What Ano received was a violent gash from his brother’s black sculpting knife, for his efforts. For the first time in pre-history, Ano, a cosmic entity of divine proportions, knew pain as the poison which had become one with his brother’s existence, invaded his body with a sickening touch. A righteous anger overcame Ano and with all of his might, he launched himself at his sibling, knowing that he had to stop Äuros, no matter what the cost, if the Furnace of Aürynn was to survive.
What ensued was a battle that none had ever seen before, nor would ever be seen again, for in the wake of their struggle, cosmic bodies were formed as both life giving heat and the utter unquenchable nothingness that was the Void scattered across Empyrea. Brother against brother, the struggle raged on for countless eons; each receiving grievous wounds in their confrontation, but in the end, it was Ano who proved victorious. His passion, an inheritance of the life-giving light of his mother, Aürynn, gave him the strength to overcome the profound hatred which surged through his brother Äuros. Thus the first primordial battle between good and evil had ended. Swearing his vengeance on Ano and all of creation, Äuros crawled away, retreating to a remote corner of the Sea of Endless Night where The Void still held dominion over the Empyrean Sea.
From that eon on, Äuros swore that he would not rest until Ano was thrown down from his dominion over creation. Until that day, Äuros the Destroyer would use his influence to infect, corrupt, and ultimately destroy every world, universe, or paradise that Ano would ever create. Thus Äuros sat in the throne of the Ebon Maelstrom and waited for the day to come that he would heal, and he could put his devilish plan into effect.
Ano found no glory in his victory, but felt emptiness for the first time in his existence as he watched his only sibling cast himself into the realm of the Ebon Maelstrom. His love for his twin had been severed by the primordial evil that had poisoned Äuros’ soul. He knew that the next time that the two encountered one another, only one would emerge from the conflict, so to prolong the coming of that day from he took a bit of himself, a bit of crystellium, and a little bit of the Furnace of Aürynn and with them created the Astral Rim, a nearly impenetrable barrier that would mark the boundaries between the void of the Ebon Maelstrom and Empyrea, sealing them away from one another for many ages to come.
When Ano was able to turn his full attention back to the Furnace of Aürynn, she had all but faded from being. Once more he fought valiantly to save his mother, but the venomous effects of the Void had done its damage. With her remaining strength, Aürynn passed the greatest part of her remaining life-force to Ano, making him fully whole once again and erasing the damage he had suffered in the cosmic struggle between him and Äuros. With all of the strength, skill, and purpose that had driven him to stop his twin, he set to preserving what remained of his celestial mother. Using the faded crystalline chunks that drifted like flotsam in the Empyrean Sea, he fashioned a hearth to contain her essence. Then using his own breath and a bit of nebulous haze, he fashioned a solar wind bellows to sustain her form and support her celestial fires.
Aürynn saw Ano’s valiant effort but knew her time to be at an end. The Primordial age had passed, and a new Epoch was dawning, with the twin brothers now having dominion over the cosmic powers of good, evil, light, darkness, life, emptiness, creation, and destruction. With this in mind, Aürynn made one final decision and executed it before Ano could stop her. She passed all of her knowledge of what had been before and what would be; she passed on the instructions of what to do with her crystalline form, and the divine fires burning within. Aürynn told him of her dream to fill the void with light, beauty, and life, and she passed onto him the blood of her existence, the immortal stream that fueled both creation and the shaping of all reality; Ensorcelleri- the source of all magic. These things became melded with Ano, giving him more power than he ever dreamed he could have, yet filling him with the desire to see his mother’s desires fulfilled. Thus Ano the Creator became the source of goodness and life throughout all Empyrea and the Sea of Endless Night.
With her final selfless act, the life-force of Aürynn faded, leaving only the celestial flames of her existence and the crystalline form that once made up her body. There was a great wailing as Ano wept over his loss, scattering moisture to the ends of the Empyrean Sea. However grieved Ano had been at Aürynn’s passing, he knew that he had to preserve her divine flame so that she would never truly fade from her existence. Gathering up her form, Ano set to completing his first task as the Creator, the finishing of Aürynethia, The Great Forge. And so it was, with the crafting of The Great Forge, Aürynethia that the Primordial Era passed away, and The Epoch of Creation dawned upon the realm of Empyrea and the Sea of Endless Night.
As Ano worked on completing Aürynethia the sparks from her crystalline form scattered, showering the Sea of Endless Night with countless embers that became the second generation of stars most of which clustered together, forming the first galaxies. Other particles were slag, embers from Aürynn’s remains that had all but died as they sailed through Empyrea’s obsidian sea. Some of them met with other stars from the primordial age and burst into giant clouds of celestial flame, forming the first nebulae which bore the likeness of the primordial nebula, the Furnace of Aürynn. These became the stellar nurseries from whence new stars and worlds were born thereby ensuring that the cycle of creation would never end. Ano placed upon an anvil of crystellium the still misshapen form of Aürynn’s remains, and there he worked upon her form until she was folded into a fetal-like position so that she could be safely placed inside of the hearth of The Great Forge. Sparks flew as he worked diligently to prepare his mother for her final resting place, and countless other stars, nebulas, and celestial bodies were formed in their wake. Finally after ages of tedious work, it was done and Aürynn was ready to be laid to her rest in the hearth of The Great Forge, Aürynethia.
Aürynethia’s core swelled with celestial light as her crystalline form was set into the bed of the hearth. The divine fires that burned within Aürynn’s core blazed with a heavenly brilliance that nearly blinded Ano himself. The Creator turned from his handiwork to rest his eyes and saw for the first time what had transpired during his efforts to preserve his mother’s form. He caught his breath as he marveled at the vast wonder that Empyrea had become throughout the course of his endeavor. Countless galactic maelstroms swirled in the depths of the Sea of Endless Night along with the brilliant furnaces of distant nebulae and glimmering stars that shone from the farthest reaches of the Empyrean Sea. There were crystalline chunks of celestial ember which sailed through the course leaving trails of stardust and flame in their wake. Ano saw that his mother’s vision could indeed be realized; and thus he left Aürynethia to set on a journey to begin filling the realm of Empyrea with life.
From beyond the Astral Rim, Äuros the Destroyer watched all that had transpired with utter loathing. The primordial evil of the Void which had corrupted his very being beyond redemption surged, replacing his battle scars with black resin of darkened matter which was naught but concentrated evil itself. Thus Äuros’ power grew much like that of his brother, even as he fed on the chunks of living embers that happened his way. He Destroyer’s vow churned over and over inside of his mind, nearly driving him mad, and he knew that all he had to do was continue grow and draw dark energy from the heart of the Ebon Maelstrom until the age when he would be strong enough to breach the Astral Rim. And so he waited, seething, and calculating, for the day when his vengeance could be set into motion. Thus began The Epoch of Creation…and ends the tale of the Furnace of Aürynn, and the Primordial Era before anything ever was.
W. R. Frady
Apr 30, 2017
The Furnace of Aürynn ©
Here, in the picture above, is the original sketch for the Furnace of Aürynn. This entity is the mother of both Ano, The Creator and Äuros, The Destroyer and is referred to by he ancients as the Mother of Creation and Destruction. As she is so old that she predates the cosmos, there is little that is known about her and less that has been written about her by the ancients.
This is a revised image of The Furnace of Aürynn, Her Nebulous form is the celestial fire that both lit and warmed the endless Void that would become the Cosmos.
Art by W. R. Frady.
Nov 1, 2015
The Kingdom of Ballidor and its Surrounding Realms©
The Kingdom of Ballidor and its surrounding realms is the latest in the regional maps of Loren. I am still working on the finer details of the countryside, like the many new rivers which have been cut across the land since the first incarnation of the original map in 2003/2004. There are new kingdoms which have been added to this land and other land features as well- so in the words of Aldwedorn The Wise, May your journey be pleasant, your steed swift, and may the people and places you encounter along the way be as memorable as the ones you left behind. Enjoy your jaunt through the world of imagination; oh, and there is an updated map in the post below of the land of Gryphondale. Be sure to visit that realm again as well, I’m sure the people there would love to see you swing through, maybe even drive out a host of Goblins trying to set up in Arun’s Caverns. I’ll take you on brief tour of Ballidor and the surrounding realms in a later post so if you have any questions about the realms displayed, you can ask me here, on Google+, or on my W. R. Frady Facebook page, and I’ll try to answer as best I can. Thank you for stopping by, and I’ll talk to you again soon.
Sep 24, 2015
Regional Maps of Loren©
When building a world, sometimes you have to zoom in from the grand perspective to get a more intimate look at the lands in general. Ballidor, The Continent of Loren, and The World of Areth have grown tremendously since the day that I first penned down the ideas of what the world would become. It has grown further still since the time I sketched the first draft of what would become the first map. What was Loren became Lorenhardt as both the northern and southern regions were added, each with realms and exotic new features of their own. The Island of Igraine had also been added during this time, securing the idea that Areth was a much larger world with much yet to be revealed. The most recent change, however is the addition of many new kingdoms, all rooted in the already established realms of Lorenhardt. What I want to show here, though, is a closer look at some of the realms of Loren and The Island of Igraine. Below are three regional maps- two of which are kingdoms from different ends of The Continent of Loren, and the third is The Island of Igraine. I will post up more of these as I complete their transcription from the original hand drawn maps to digital images. Feel free to enjoy these images, and allow your imagination to roam these illustrious landscapes. Azuron is one of the dark realms of Ballidor, ruled by the vile Necromancer Cherngrym. Gryphondale is far across the continent from Azuron and is a peaceful kingdom like those you would find in your favorite fairy tales. It is ruled by the noble King Donovan Elerach and his Queen Aderyn. Then there is the Island of Igraine, a land similar to King Arthur’s Britain with a distinctive fantasy flair. I hope you enjoy your time in these lands, until next time…
Apr 20, 2014
Author’s Note on Ballidor©
The story evolved over the years, I was introduced to the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons© Game, but the, at the time unnamed, world really took a turn after one of my best friends started coming to visit, together we would hike through the trails of the woods below my old house. We talked of Colossus, and Lakes with hidden entries to caverns below wherein hid the castle of a powerful wizard. We even happened upon a tree which we had compared to an old man, and how if this oak was alive, how much wisdom it could relate from the centuries that it had seen. Being high school teens, we immediately set to taking out our drawing pads and began working on these exotic sights that we imagined. Then like all teens we became distracted with other things, he with the music scene, and I with Dungeons & Dragons. For a long time I had left these places to memory. Time went by, and I wrote stories of Vampire Hunters taking on the legions of the undead, then I created a post apocalyptic earth where the dark things of man’s past had resurfaced enslaving mankind under their godlike power, always though, there was the one thing that never changed since my mother’s issued challenge, the desire to build my own world.
The years went by and I found myself looking at the year 2001, “Earthgate” was rolling smoothly in my stories, though I had not evolved myself enough to get a computer, so all I was doing was merely filling up notebooks with adventure after adventure. One day, as I was plodding along in the midst of a story, this one line kept rolling over in my mind. “Stormwulf’s boots trudged heavily as he traversed along the Morningstar Mountains making his way toward Ballidor.” I finished the story I was working on and then wrote the line down. “Ballidor,” I thought, “Morningstar Mountains,” these names cast images of vast landscapes riddled with history, lore, magic, and adventure. All of those ideas that had been tucked away, or lost so it seemed came flooding back along with many others. Lands of ancient lore became the Continent of Loren©. The Wise Oak found a permanent home in the forest of Caer Lynd, and the lake with the hidden path, became Moonglow Lake at the base of the Black Mountains. The idea grew and a storyline formed, so I set to writing down the idea. Then on impulse, I wrote the first draft of the Creation of Areth and the First War. With this in place, I constructed the first map, detailing what is now Lorenhardt.
Ballidor has evolved even more since that time, but it still remains the home of that challenge issued to me by my mother so long ago, and the keeper of the secrets divulged between two adolescent friends. It has become the fruition of my world building skills, developed by years of trials, study, and practice. To me the world is alive, ever-changing and ever growing. But to me, as its creator and author, it is still missing the most important part. That part is people; people who will read, love, laugh, and travel Areth’s vast landscapes. People who will witness the epic battles between good and evil, light and darkness. People who are eager to hear the legends of ancient times as told by Aldwedorn, The Wise Oak of Caer Lynd, and sit by a campfire while a frogling lore master weaves tales of bravery, valor, love, and war.
Welcome all fantasy fans to Areth, home of Ballidor.
I hope you will enjoy your visit.
W. R. Frady
This is the first map that I drew for Loren in 2003/2004, I am in the process of updating the world as a whole, and hope to have more maps and artwork along with stories here soon. Please do not copy, Copyright 2003W. R. Frady
Apr 16, 2014
Update on Thanks
I would like to thank the most recent contributor to my page. I have added new music from Adrian Von Ziegler to what is already a great list of contributing musicians. Their talent is doing much to liven up what was for the longest time a drab and lifeless page. Thank you so much for your gifts, I am truly blessed to have the work of these musicians on my page. Check them out on Youtube if you haven’t heard them before or even if you have, please just visit them for support to their craft.
I hope to have new stories, starting with Areth’s First Age coming soon. Until next time.
Thank you,
W. R. Frady
Mar 28, 2014
Special Thanks to Those Who Have Contributed to the Changes Taking Place
Hey all, it’s been a while, but I’ve not been mellowing aimlessly. The world of Areth© has been going under some drastic changes. As I had promised before, the page has gone under many changes as well, some temporary, while others are more permanent. First The current backdrop for the page is a picture that was taken of Crabtree Falls in North Carolina by my wife Amy Frady of Moonlight Memories Photography©. This waterfall was featured in the movie “The Last of the Mohicans” and is not far from where I reside. Next is the general layout that has been placed here, I hope that the new formatting will make it easier to enjoy the tales that will be posted in the near future. Along with the new layout, music has now been included to help inspire the mood of the setting. There are several Artists of whom I’d like to give thanks to for their willingness to let me use their music to enhance my page. These are BrunuhVille, Brandon Fiechter, and Derek Fiechter. If you’ve never heard these guys, please check out their YouTube channels, they’re great musicians, and good people. Thanks, you guys, for your generosity, and thank you to my readers, for your patience and for your continued support.
W. R. Frady
Nov 15, 2009
The Wise Oak of Caer Lynd and the Iadra©
Seeing the radiant beauty that lie within his creation, Ano realized that he needed someone to tend to his wondrous gardens. He reached out, deep into the cosmos and drew forth glimmering stardust from the distant galaxies, and with a gentle breath, he gave birth to the fairy folk; the caretakers of nature and gardeners of the lands of Areth. Unbeknownst to Ano, however, some of the living stardust scattered with his breath, becoming intermingled with a tiny rivulet of blood from his still freshly cut hand and fell to the world below. The celestial blood and stardust fell for what seemed like ages before it landed in the heart of a vast forest in the northeastern heartlands of Loren, changing the land forever more. Enchantment filled the central groves as the woodlands stirred and awakened, to sentience and free will.
Where the celestial mix of Ano’s blood and living stardust struck the ground, a mighty oak sapling sprouted, growing into a full sized tree within moments. Ano, watching from above, moved closer to the immense forest to see what was unfolding below him. The great oak was alive, stretching proudly for the heavens, where it could see Ano, The Creator gazing at him. Endowed within that magnificent tree were the ways of knowledge and wisdom, along with the understanding of life, nature and magic. Ano was pleased, yet intrigued by this unforeseen creation, so he gave to this oak the gift of speech, the ability to give good council, as well as the understanding of the languages of the wind and earth, for the oak was wise, immortal, and mighty. Ano gazed upon this Wise Oak and smiled, naming him Aldwedorn, The Wise. Thus Aldwedorn grew in both might and wisdom, becoming the advisor to all who approach him.
The trees and saplings within the area of where the divine droplet landed were coated with a fine spray as the droplet splashed to the earth. Sparkling with intelligence they awakened, becoming aware of the world around them. The fairy folk were surprised to come across these unusual trees, but took to their kind with open arms. These living trees were named by the fairy folk, the Iadra, and became known as the guardians of Caer Lynd. Holding Aldwedorn, The Wise in reverence, the tree folk see him as the greatest of all trees both in wisdom and knowledge. Ano saw their fealty and granted The Iadra the ability to move freely throughout the groves and copses of Caer Lynd, though tree folk often prefer to stay near Aldwedorn and the place of their birth, known by the fairy folk as the Glade of Sylandir. Together, they work with the fairies tending to the forest, and guard Aldwedorn from any who would wish him harm. Thus, one of the greatest wonders of Areth was born in the heart of Caer Lynd.
© W. R. Frady
February 19, 2006